Monday, March 10, 2008

The Campaign Rolls Forward

I didn't want to rush right out and start bragging last Tuesday after Hillary won impressive victories. Those who frequent my blog can probably guess that we cockapoos are humble creatures. We're not gonna do any trash talking or anything like that. But an impressive victory it was. I'd like to think that in some small way I was helpful, getting out the dog vote and all. I'm friendly with a dog close to the campaign who tells me Hillary will soon release a new plan to allow a tax write-off for dependent dogs. So owners will have more money for bones and toys and stuff like that. This will sure help some sad cases, like the lady who went to the cupboard to fetch her poor doggie a bone, but I heard that when she got there, the cupboard was bare. Kinda breaks your heart. All you in Pennsylvania, PLEASE consider this when you get out for that important vote next month.


Anonymous said...

McCain plans to draft cats and send them to Iraq to demoralize the enemy. Sounds like a better platform to me that dog bone welfare.

Anonymous said...

what gave you the idea that dogs are able to vote in human elections??